New Years Resolutions
It's that time of the year where everyone sets themselves a list of goals that will be dropped by February. I don't tend to join in as my new years is usually uneventful but this year I thought I'd give it a try.
My goals are all going to be self-help goals to improve my mentality in the coming year and promote self-confidence.
Starting by going to the gym. At my halls of residence, there is a gym that I will join. My aim will be to go at least twice a week like my old school P.E. classes were. This will hopefully get me healthier in tangent with my next goal.
Eating healthier. I already cook 9/10 of my meals on my own but I need to incorporate more veggies into them. As a picky eater, this is a big task for me as I don't like the taste of many things. But baby steps. I will start with the ones I know I like and then move onto trying new ones to see if I do like them. This goal also includes reducing my sugar intake. Those who know me know that I have an insane sweet tooth, and that's going to change, for my skins sake.
My next goal is to be more regular with my posts and uploads in order to garner a more active audience. I see other bloggers and lowkey get blog envy over their active followers, so I want to get on their level at some point.
In a way to improve my intellect, I plan on reading more books, from all genres. At the moment I have the two following books from Jenny Han's To all the boys I've loved before to read and Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman to read. I will be posting reviews and perhaps doing dramatic readings of my favourite passages in the novels on my youtube in the future. I have a few books I want to read and may start a reading club to help motivate me to read more.
In terms of schoolwork, the one area I'm not confident in is radio and the production side. So one of my goals is to work more in the radio suite, maybe even starting a podcast. Inspired by some I have listened to in the past few years.
One thing I have been wanting to do for a long time is to put myself first. I have always been a person others could rely on but never having anyone to rely on. But in the future, I want to be the person I can rely on because self love and knowing myself will allow others to love me too. Or at least lessen the blow to my emotions when they don't want me anymore.
My final goal is to take more risks. Put myself out there. Do things that I find scary like public speaking or approaching first, because I know once I'm over that first hurdle nothing will be able to stop me.
Hopefully, you have noticed that in all my goals I haven't set myself a time limit. The reason why is because that will just put pressure on me as the deadline nears, which won't help me in any way. I suggest that you try not limiting yourself to a time frame if you know you will not be able to meet it as it will greatly improve your outlook on your goals.
I hope everyone has a good new year.
From your friendly neighbourhood firework, Terry xx
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