To All The Boys I've Loved Before: Review
Out of all the boys she has ever loved two end up reciprocating her feelings which leads to more choas in her life. This is mainly because ones ex girlfriend is crazy and the others ex is her sister. The book follows Lara Jeans journey through the first half of junior year and her breaking out of her box, just like her letters.
When reading it I felt like the start was a bit slow but it was establishing the characters. For me, after chapter 20 (the chapters are only a few pages long) that's when I felt the story really pick up and got interesting, from there onwards I was enthralled.
Some parts of the story fall under the trashy Y/A category but other than those bits I felt like it was a solid story and as the story ended on a bit of a cliffhanger I am excited to get my hands on the next installment, P.S, I Still Love You.
I will also be checking out the Netflix movie coming out on August 17th, to see if it matches the book.
I recommend the book if you just want something fun to read over summer.
- Terry xx
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